Alarming overhead hazard at Condo needs repair to cast stone

Alarming overhead hazard at Condo needs repair to cast stone

In Florida there are more than a few Condos (more than 6 Million condo entities), and the condo associations are often required to repair any existing cast stone in common areas. We thought we would share a video taken of the top of a multi story condo building in the Fort Lauderdale area.

In the video below you can see the alarming state of the cast stone balustrade after years in the Florida weather. Please note, we did not make or install this stonework.

You can clearly see that the wind is blowing these spindles around. In this particular case we recommend full replacement as repair of this cast stone  due to deterioration.

We are not trying to shame anyone here, we are just pointing out that this could happen at your condo.

Normally condo concrete repair is a structural affair, however when there is decorative stone to repair or replace we are happy to work with general contractors and engineers to replace inferior or failing stone.

Please contact us for your needs for cast stone restoration, we have ample experience with cast stone condo repair as well as historical cast stone restoration

deteriorating cast stone due to rus
deteriorating cast stone due to water penetration

Daniel Arkin
Daniel Arkin
Daniel is a graduate of Texas State University with a Bachelor of Science degree in Concrete Industry Management. Daniel has introduced several advanced production techniques as Director of Operations for Premier Precast to insure Premier Precast is always on the cutting edge with our precast concrete manufacturing. Premier Precast under Daniel pioneered the use of UHPC in the US into the manufacturing of complex agricultural shapes to be used in a buildings design.

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